technical consulting for architectural, environmental & industrial noise control


We can help you find realistic, practical, and cost-effective solutions to your noise or vibration problems.  Our clients include building owners, architects, engineers, project operators, and public agencies.  We have worked on a wide variety of project types, and worked at all project phases -- initial planning, design, final commissioning, and remedial repairs for existing projects.


During the design of a new project, the main goal is prevention of noise problems, or the control of noise inherent in the project.  The acoustical consultant is the one person on the design team that has an overview of noise issues, and works across the design disciplines to help solve the problem.  We also do remedial work, finding the best way to fix existing noise and vibration problems.  It is usually much easier and less expensive to think ahead and avoid a problem, rather than fixing it after the fact.  





Earl has retired from active practice and is not accepting any new projects.

For your noise control consulting needs, please contact Christopher Barnobi, PE at 704-516-7004




Areas of technical expertise include:


machinery noise                   environmental                room acoustics            noise measurements
sound isolation                      vibration                       expert witness              audio





resume              about us                project lists          "top ten" tidbits                tech talk            jargon                    details



There are many noise control myths out there -- heed the conventional wisdom with a grain of salt.  If the solution were really as simple as "gluing up some ceiling tiles" or "spraying some foam inside the wall", you probably would not have a noise problem in the first place.

  • sound deadening board  does not work, and often makes things worse              why?
  • triple glazing  will not stop more noise than double glazing                                 why?
  • batts above an acoustic tile ceiling  will not reduce sound transfer                    why?
  • adding RC channels onto an existing wall  will not improve the STC rating       why?


Earl Mullins, PE
10400 Overland Road #211
Boise, ID   83709

phone:    208-514-6264   (Mountain Time Zone)
email:      please call to get email address
