Selected Projects -
Studios, Auditoria, Theaters
- Bartlett High School Theater
- Video Conference Room, US Fish & Wildlife Service
- Alaska Wild Berry Theater
- Koahnic NPR Broadcast Studios, CITC
- Carlson Center Acoustic & Audio Upgrades
- Morris Thompson Community & Visitors Center
- North Slope Borough Assembly Chambers
- Conoco Phillips 2nd Floor Training Room
- TOTE Videoconference Room
- Alaska Dance Theater Studio
- Sydney Lawrence Theater Upgrades, PAC
- Voth Hall, AK Performing Arts Center
- Begich-Boggs Visitor Center Addition
- Fort Richardson Community Center
- UA Regent's Video conference Room, UAF
- Changepoint Church
- Regulatory Commission of Alaska Hearing Room
- South Anchorage High School Band Room
- Our Lady of Guadeloupe Church
- Saint Andrew's Church, Eagle River
- Fakes Residence Home Theater
- Crosspoint Church
- Grace Community Church
- BP Energy Center Multi-Purpose Room
- Auditeria, New Dimond High School
- New Theater, Bartlett High School
- UAF Elvey Auditorium Remodel
- Orange Peel Music Hall, Nashville, NC
- UAA Lecture Hall
- Surreal Studios MIDI Studio
- UAF Scheibel Auditorium Renovation
- Allen Auditorium Remodel, Sheldon Jackson College
- Barrow Cultural Center
- Anchorage Museum of Art Atrium, Audio & Acoustics Design
- Alaska Native Heritage Center, theater and performance space
- Dorothy Spreckles Auditorium, Rohnert Park Performing Arts Center
- Elder Residence Music Room & Recording Studio
- Turnagain Arts Building, Music Instruction Rooms and Performance
- Rasmusson Fine Arts Complex Remodel, UAF
- Grace Community Church Sanctuary
- Performing Arts House, Chugiak High School
- Board of Regents Meeting Room, UAF
- McPheters Hall Renovation, Holy Trinity Church
- Saint Patrick's Parish
- North Pole Middle School Band Room
- Nikiski High School Music Suite
- Pacific Star Radio Studios, Fairbanks