Selected Projects
This is a short list of our
representative experience, spanning many different jobs. The principals
of MULLINS ACOUSTICS have worked on more than 2300 projects since
1984. If you need additional information about our experience or a
specific type of project, please contact us by phone or email. We can
provide detailed project lists and descriptions, plus additional information
that you may require. For government projects, standard qualifications
form SF-330 is available.
Please call 208-514-6264
for the most current project experience.
- Alaska Railroad
Terminal Building,
- Car Rental
Center, Anchorage Airport
- Afognak Native Corporation Headquarters
- Regional Administration
Building, Providence Hospital
- Boniface Mall Remodel, Anchorage School
- Southcentral Foundation Meeting Room
- Morris Thompson
Convention & Visitors Center
- Doyon Native Corporation Headquarters
- Levi Strauss Corporate Headquarters
- Apple Computer Corporate Training Center
- Alaska Sealife
- IBM Almaden
Research Center
- Pacific Gas
& Electric Training
- 5th & M Luxury Condos
- Piedmont
(VA) Subdivision Noise Barrier Evaluation
- Aurora Housing, Elmendorf AFB
- Hanson Square Condos
- McKinley Building Traffic Noise Evaluation
- Houston Housing Complex, Elmendorf AFB
- Quiet Creek Townhomes
- Denali View
Senior Center
- Enlisted Dorm, Eielson AFB
- Black Rapids Lodge, Paxson
- FY01 Dormitory, Elmendorf AFB
- US Coast Guard Housing Facility,
Two Rock
- Visiting Officer Quarters, Elmendorf AFB
- Cook Inlet Senior Housing Complex
- Robert's Residence, Atherton, CA
- Eastman Residence & Home Theater
- Kingwood Subdivision Townhouses
- numerous condominiums, subdivisions, dormitories
Hotels & Conference Centers
- BP Energy
- New Marriott Hotel, Anchorage
- Northwest Arctic
Heritage Center, Kotzebue
- TOTE Videoconference Room
- Conoco Philips 2nd Floor Classroom
- Sugar Bowl Ski Resort, Lake Tahoe, CA
- Begich-Boggs Visitor
- Mission Support Training Facility, Ft
- US Fish & Wildlife Service Video Conference
- Fort Wainwright Lodging Facility
- Dimond Center Hotel
- Eielson AFB Enlisted Dorm
- Squaw Creek Resort, Lake Tahoe
- Golden Nugget Hotel & Casino, Las Vegas
- Hale Koa
Hotel & Recreation Center, Honolulu
Studios, Auditoria, Listening Rooms, Theaters
- Voth Rehearsal Hall, AK
Performing Arts
- New KTUU TV Studios, Anchorage
- New BSU Public Radio Studios, Boise
- Auditorium Remodel, Wood River
Community Center
- New Dimond
High School
- Bartlett High
School - New Theater
- Alaska Native
Heritage Center,
- Carlson Center Audio & Acoustic Upgrades
- Nokia Theater, Los
- Alaska Wild Berry Theater
- All-Power Seminar Audio
- Koahnic NPR Broadcasting Studios
- Sydney Lawrence Theater Upgrades, PAC
- Changepoint Church
- Allen Auditorium, Sitka
- Orange Peel
Music Hall, Asheville, NC
- Scheibel Auditorium Renovation, UAF
- Rasmusson Fine
Arts Center, UAF
- Surreal Studios MIDI
- Alaska Native
Heritage Center
- Elvey Auditorium Remodel, UAF
- Barrow Cultural Center
- KFBK Radio, Sacramento,
- Rohnert Park Performing Arts Center
Education Facilities
- Boise State
College of Business
& Economics
- BSU various lab and classroom projects
- UAF Butrovich
- APU Medical
Building & Learning Center
- UAF Consolidated Animal Facility
- UAA University
Center Office Complex
- UAF Physical Plant (Boiler Building)
- UAF Gruening
- UAA Lecture Hall 118
- Egan Library, UA Southeast
- UC Irvine
Biological Sciences
- Egan Library, University of Alaska
- UC Davis Shields Library
- Fairbanks Prototype
- numerous elementary, middle schools and high schools
Government Buildings
- East Hearing Room, Regulatory Commission of Alaska
- Rabinowitz Courthouse, Fairbanks
- North Slope Borough Assembly Chambers
- Consolidated Security Force, Eielson AFB
- FTW-267 Aircraft Hangar
- USPS Personnel Offices
- C-17 Simulator Complex, EDF
- Alaska Command HQ Renovation, EDF
- C-5 Hangar, EDF
- Fitness Center, Elmendorf AFB
- Vehicle Maintenance Facility, Fort Wainwright
- NOAA Kasitsna
Bay Bunkhouse
- Combat Simulation
Center, Fort Wainwright
- Army Lodging Facility, Fort Wainwright
- San Diego
Justice Center
- Oakland Federal
- Bodega Bay Marine Laboratory, UC Davis
- Lawrence Livermore Labs, various buildings
- Folsom City
Medical Facilities
- New VA Clinic
Building Elmendorf
- Nome Hospital
- Providence Hospital ER Wing
- Providence Hospital, various projects
- Alaska Regional hospital, various projects
- AK Radiology
Imaging Center
- Sunshine Community
Health Center, Talkeetna
- Alaska Psychiatric Institute
- Tanana Valley Clinic MRI Space
- Fairbanks Imaging
- Nichols Institute Helipad
- Elmendorf Hospital
- St Alphonsus Hospital (various)
- St Luke’s Health System (various)
- Kaiser Permanente Medical Offices, various
- Stanford University Advanced Genetics Lab
Environmental Noise Assessment
- Northern
Lights Blvd Noise Barrier Design
- Willow Lake Seaplane Noise Study
- State Fairgrounds Racetrack Noise Study
- McKinley Building Traffic Noise Analysis
- Kuskokwim River Noise Study
- Gravel Pit Noise Study, Anchorage
- Healy Clean Coal Plant
- Update to Noise Ordinance, Santa Rosa, CA
- Draft
Noise Ordinance, Mat-Su Borough, AK
- Anchorage International
Airport, Ground Operations Noise Study
- ANC Residential Sound Insulation Program
- Nenana Track Realignment, Alaska Railroad
- Port of Anchorage Expansion
- McGrath Road Widening / Bike Path Addition
- Compressor Plant Noise, Enstar Gas
- Coal Bed Methane Wells, Evergreen Gas Alaska
- True North Gold Mine, Fairbanks
- Seward Highway MP 0-8 Rebuild
- “Top Gun” Training
Center, NAS Miramar
- SFO Airport Noise Monitoring
HVAC Industrial and Machinery Noise
- Chugach Electric, various projects
- Marathon Oil, various well sites
- Alaska Radiology MRI Suite
- Chiller Noise, Providence
- Machine Shop, Alyeska Pipeline Valdez
- AWWU Pump Station #10
- ML&P Turbine #2 Replacement
- Alpine Well Injection Skid
- Battery Energy Storage System, Fairbanks
- Central heating Plant, Fort Wainwright
- Barrow Gas Turbine Plant
- Levi Plaza HQ Emergency Generator
- Gap Corporate Headquarters Computer Facility
- Unocal Platform "Baker" Gas Compressors
- BP Prudhoe Bay Vacuum Sewage Treatment System
- Phillips Petroleum Platform "Tyonek" Control
Shooting Ranges
- US Customs Building Indoor Range, SF
- Montana Hawk Indoor Range, Cotati, CA
- Camp Parks
National Guard
Shooting Range
- US Marshall's Service
Range, Anchorage
- Hunter Education
Firing Range,
- Hunter Education
Firing Range,
- Garden Valley
Shooting Range Noise Study
- Backs’ Creek
Shooting Range
Noise Study
- Meridian PD (Idaho)
New Indoor Range
- City Range
at Menard Park,
Wasilla, AK
- Boise Police Department Outdoor Range
- South-central Alaska Tactical
Firing Range
- Kansas Dept of Fish & Game Public
- Public Firing Range, Fort Lupton, CO
Expert Witness
Due to the confidential and
sensitive nature of litigation and expert testimony, we do not publicly
disclose this type of work. However, a
CV and list of experience can be provided upon request.